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Game show with blue screen and white writing.

What is Jeopardy? Ryan just loves to watching it. I usually don't want Ryan watching t.v. but seeing as he enjoys it so much, every 6pm is Jeopardy time. He'll just sit there and smile intently as he watches and occasionally giggling. We know it's the show and not just the t.v. because he turns away when commercial comes on, but once Alex comes back and speaks, Ryan turns back and gives his full attention. He seems to love credits too.

Update: Ryan is crawling everywhere, He barely sits still. His goal and destination for every crawling journey. . . anything electronic (wires, laptops, phones etc) and forbidden. We now know how not child friendly our home is. Oh well, we'll just have to keep a closer eye on him and make a few modifications. He's recently trying to pull himself up too. But tries to do so on the most unstable things.

My new favorite thing Ryan does is when he gets tired, or upset or just wants a hug he'll crawl over and put his head on my leg or anything he can reach, like foot. He'll then wait there until you pick him up. It is just the cutest thing. He'll also put on the sadest face, how can I resist? My mom says Ryan will walk all over me one day, cause he'll know what to do. We'll just have to wait and see about that.

posted by R. Sherman On | 7:43:00 AM


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