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First Communal Bath

Update: Our family's life has recently been crossing the Chang's family life a lot. If it isn't at Church (Sherm & James in Young Men, Winnie & I at Achievement nights), then it is for babysitting or weekends together.

Our most recent escapade -- a weekend in Chicago. We had a long overdue appointment with the temple. So we decided to make a weekend out of it. James found a 2 for 1 deal for hotel and so we got adjacent rooms with and ajoining door and played Settlers of Catan 'till the wee hours of the night. Ryan loved having other kids to play with. Ethan is his new role model! He just follows wherever he goes. Ryan gets so excited whenever he sees him. Ryan also enjoys playing with Daniel - they get mischievous every time. The hotel had a pool and so Ryan had a lot of his 1st that weekend. His first sleepover, his first Korean meal, his first sugar (in the shape of a brownie), his first swim and his first communal bath. As you can see, he enjoyed the company.

It's always nice to have friends where you don't have to make and excuse to hang out or for last minute babysitting. Lucky for us, there are several families that had their first baby within. It turns out one of such couples, Jami, was in the same Y group as me at BYU. How small the world is indeed.

posted by R. Sherman On | 5:03:00 PM


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