Steaks vs. dogs
Each year the Managing Partner, Tom Goris, holds a contest based on the number of applications and/or sales volume for the month of October. It is a way to motivate us for the 4th quarter. the winners get steak while the others have a hot dog. Unfortunately, this year i had to settle for a hot dog. Thank goodness the dogs are delicious.
The event is held at Tom's house each year. it is a great time to relax - shoot some pool, chat and watch some Thursday night football.
There was a gym downstairs so while i was eating a ton i snuck in some bench and dumb bells. That's why in on of the photos i am showing off the guns...eveyone didn't know they'd be getting a free ticket to the gun show that night!
Thanks Tom for the fun memories and great food!
posted by R. Sherman On | 1:07:00 AM
i started reading this post and thought you were gonna go into how there was some kind of food-eating contest of steaks or hot dogs. not a far stretch - i could you see signing up for that sort of gig. however, you proved me wrong, and went and worked out instead. during a work party? you're more serious than i thought about this getting in shape business... :)
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