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The Fam

This is the family. Ryan was in a bad mood, so he wouldn't smile for the picture.

posted by R. Sherman On | 2:13:00 PM | 3 comments

Ryan Caden On

We can't believe that he is almost 3 months old! He is already over 14 pounds, 24 inches and still growing like a weed. He is big enough to fit into his cute outfits now. We just love dressing him up.
Ryan loves to smile and to make noises, especially when you're talking to him. He also loves to eat!
The other day we discovered his fascination for the TV. He can't take his eyes off it! Sometimes he'll even kick and scream when we don't let him watch. Looks like he'll fit well into this family. But we definately try to keep his TV time to a minimum . . . only when he is extremely fussy!

posted by R. Sherman On | 2:05:00 PM | 0 comments

Ryan just loves looking at his musical mobile hanging over his crib.

posted by R. Sherman On | 2:02:00 PM | 0 comments

Ryan's 1st Outing

We went to a BBQ at the Malnar's home, a friend of ours. It was nice to see everyone again. It had been a month since Esther was able to leave the home. It took a while for her to recover. There were two other babies there. It seems that everyone in our circle of friends had a baby this year. It's nice because we can share stories and advice.

posted by R. Sherman On | 1:38:00 PM | 0 comments

The Lower Lip

This is the face Ryan gives when things aren't going his way. He usually wants more attention or wants to be held.

posted by R. Sherman On | 1:30:00 PM | 0 comments

Tummy Time

He is getting better at keeping his head up. He loves looking at instruction manuals or take out menus . . . maybe he'll be a scholar one day.

posted by R. Sherman On | 1:25:00 PM | 0 comments

What's this???

Ryan's first taste of something other than milk. He was going in for his first shots and so as a precaution we gave him baby Tylenol.

posted by R. Sherman On | 1:14:00 PM | 0 comments

Ryan just loves to lounge around on the couch, watch a little TV and enjoy a good issue of Business Week!

posted by R. Sherman On | 1:11:00 PM | 0 comments

Ryan's Blessing Day

This is Ryan after his baby blessing. We were worried that he might cry during his blessing because that morning he was fussy. But it turned out that he was an angel. He was even smiling! Ryan was in a great mood after it. It was nice to have our parents there that day. We're sure that Ryan enjoyed all the extra attention.

posted by R. Sherman On | 1:03:00 PM | 0 comments

It was nice to have Sherman's dad at Ryan's blessing too.

posted by R. Sherman On | 12:51:00 PM | 0 comments

This is us with Esther's parents at Ryan's baby blessing.

posted by R. Sherman On | 12:22:00 PM | 0 comments