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First snow of the year

It was a blizzard in some areas of Milwaukee.
We received about 10 inches from 3am to 3pm.
This is the first snow Ryan actually has come in contact with.
When we let him touched the foreign white stuff
he did so with some apprehension.
"Hey, this stuff is cold!" seemed to be his expression.
However, after a little bit of time he was happy in the winter wonderland.

posted by R. Sherman On | 11:01:00 PM | 1 comments

"The Hulk gots nothing on me!"

At my office we have a weekly contest for activity,
and whomever win receive the "activity animal" and a gas card.
After winning one week I brought Ryan to my office,
and he starting taking down the hulk.
It was hilarious!
Ryan is a lean, fighting machine!

posted by R. Sherman On | 10:57:00 PM | 0 comments

Pajama party!

Ethan and Daniel came over one night in November so their parents
could have a little date night. The dudes, all dressed in PJs, had a fun time
running around and for Ethan, being a robot.
True friends love you no matter what you wear.

posted by R. Sherman On | 10:54:00 PM | 0 comments

Thanksgiving with friends

This year Esther, Ryan and I spent our Thanksgiving holiday
with the Malnars and Changs. Esther and I (I didn't really do anything)
were in charge of desert while the Changs had the turkey and the Malnars
prepared all the fixings. It was a delicious meal!

After the feast we broke down Asian-style and sang some karaoke.
Ben and I had the top score of 97%!

posted by R. Sherman On | 10:51:00 PM | 0 comments

and it's going to be a...BOY!

Esther is due March 11th with our second child,
and we found out we are having another son.
It will be great for Ryan to pal around with another dude,
but it does out rank Esther 3 to 1.

posted by R. Sherman On | 10:49:00 PM | 1 comments

YeYe comes to visit

YeYe was in Chicago on business
and was able to step away from his schedule
to spend a couple of hours with us on Halloween.

posted by R. Sherman On | 10:44:00 PM | 0 comments

Watching movies Ryan-style

After a tough day of driving mommy crazy, eating, sleeping and playing with cars Ryan likes to unwind in front of his portable DVD player and watch some cartoons on his Elmo couch. As you can tell he likes to read the DVD jacket while watching the video.

posted by R. Sherman On | 10:36:00 PM | 0 comments

Happy Halloween!

"Holy Bat-costumes, Batman!" At the church "Trunk or Treat" we decided to stay themed - Bat-heroes for our family this year. Obviously I needed some padding to create muscles for me.

posted by R. Sherman On | 10:26:00 PM | 0 comments

Ryan goes in for the jam!

Ryan enjoys playing a little basketball. He already has his inside game down, so we'll be drilling him on his outside shot.

He is growing so tall so quickly.

posted by R. Sherman On | 10:23:00 PM | 0 comments