March Madness
I am talking about P90X! That's right, i started to workout my "core" and i'm on a mission to get totally ripped in the next 90 days - that will mean by June 9, 2009 i should be ready to be seen in a bathing suit without having to suck my rice gut in. however, i will still be pasty white...that unfortunately won't change as i live in wisconsin.
I started P90X March 9th b/c i wanted to get ripped and thought now is the time. with the weather cold i am not able to run on a regular basis so an indoor workout would be ideal. After working out for the week - i was totally sore. I was talking to a friend of mine, Mike, who said he also had P90X but had yet to put the 90 days to the test. So we decided to experience the pain together. so we started March 16th to workout at 5:30am. It is awesome! we feel like we are ripped until we stand in front of the mirror. Well, one day at a time and we'll get there.
i thought i'd post up my BEFORE pics for you all to see the transformation at 30 days, 60 and 90 days. my goal is to have a 6 pack at the end of the 90 days.
The rice gut.
Okay, so to be honest i didn't flex here so at my 90 day pic should be awesome!
The back is not too shabby. It is sad that i only look good from behind.
Oh yeah, and i had to stand in front of the cherry wood door b/c you wouldn't be able to see my next to the white walls...that is so sad.
posted by R. Sherman On | 9:39:00 AM