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Happy Thanksgiving!

No work for Sherman!
Thanksgiving day was very relaxed and chill.
Esther's mom is in town so we had some holiday cheer with family.
The boys colored, watched some movies and danced.
We had forgotten to defrost the meat enough hours so that's why we needed to go out.
For dinner we ended up going to Old Country Buffet for some holiday grub.
It was a great time had by all!

posted by R. Sherman On | 9:47:00 PM | 2 comments

Blue Tongues

Ryan and Mason were good little boys so they got lollipops.
They loved the blue color their tongues turned.
Here they are showing off the look.

posted by R. Sherman On | 9:34:00 PM | 2 comments


Steaks vs. dogs

Each year the Managing Partner, Tom Goris, holds a contest based on the number of applications and/or sales volume for the month of October. It is a way to motivate us for the 4th quarter. the winners get steak while the others have a hot dog. Unfortunately, this year i had to settle for a hot dog. Thank goodness the dogs are delicious.
The event is held at Tom's house each year. it is a great time to relax - shoot some pool, chat and watch some Thursday night football.
There was a gym downstairs so while i was eating a ton i snuck in some bench and dumb bells. That's why in on of the photos i am showing off the guns...eveyone didn't know they'd be getting a free ticket to the gun show that night!
Thanks Tom for the fun memories and great food!

posted by R. Sherman On | 1:07:00 AM | 1 comments


Suiting up!

Running shoes? ...check.
shorts? ...check.
Beanie? ...check.
winter gloves? ...check.
wind, rain proof outfit? ...check.
ready to run in 32 degree weather? ...Maybe.
Staying in shape in Wisconsin can require a little more clothing than most states, especially from November to June. Most articles say that after suiting up in the right clothing you have to just go out and run. So that's what i did today. It was cold at first, but 2.5 miles later i was all warmed up.

posted by R. Sherman On | 12:33:00 AM | 4 comments



With a high of 31 degrees it was a cold day to go to church. The boys were looking too cute to not post these photos immediately. They are both getting comfortable with the camera and saying "cheese." when i was transferring these photos from the camera to the laptop Mason was playing the camera and saying, "cheese" to himself.

posted by R. Sherman On | 8:50:00 PM | 2 comments

Uncle Justin, Gong gong and Po po - March 2008

Finally i am catching up with old photos. These are from the last time Esther's family came out here to visit with us. We celebrated Mason's 1st birthday, Gong gong's birthday too and Sherman passing his investment exam.

posted by R. Sherman On | 8:17:00 PM | 0 comments

Summer Pics

Here are the final photos of us with the Changs, our annual visit to the Milwaukee Zoo hosted by Northwestern Mutual and Ryan's first letter from Daniel.

posted by R. Sherman On | 7:44:00 PM | 0 comments

2 peas of the same pod

Winters a comin'!
These boys are sporting their new winter hats.
What cute dudes!

posted by R. Sherman On | 7:34:00 PM | 0 comments

Hanging out at the playground

Ryan is totally GQ here. Mason is happy to be on the swing.
This was on Thursday, November 6th after Ryan had school.
This is probably the last day of nice weather before the winter sets in.

posted by R. Sherman On | 6:54:00 PM | 0 comments

New shoes

Ryan above is throwing a temper tantrum b/c he didn't want to take off his crocs.
He loves those blue shoes.
Mason on the other hand, was in good spirits
and was using the mirror to check out his new kicks.

Ryan has some big feet.

While waiting our turn Ryan is playing with the food.
He is quite resourceful if you look closely.
Since the knife was gone he used the watermelon wedge to cut the bread.
Bright kid.

posted by R. Sherman On | 12:48:00 AM | 0 comments

the double stroller

The boys here are just making funny faces for the camera. i think Ryan is eating a starbust here.

posted by R. Sherman On | 12:41:00 AM | 0 comments

New Office

In the end of August Sherman's office moved west - larger location, lower rent and updated digs. Here are photos of his office - he says he is trying to keep it uncluttered from all his files and paperwork. Also you will notice the really cool signage they have on the side of the building, which you can see from the highway when you drive by.

posted by R. Sherman On | 12:33:00 AM | 1 comments


My supportive wife

I must say that i have the most supportive wife in the world. These last few weeks have been crazy busy! I worked all day last Saturday (8:30am - 4:00pm) and then went off to a Priesthood meeting - getting home after 6:30pm. Then this week i got home Monday at 7pm, Tuesday at 11:30pm, Wednesday at 10:30pm (i told her i'd be home at 8:30pm when i left the house) and today at 10:30pm. Then i had to jump on the computer to do some more work until about 2am.

It is amazing to me that she doesn't question me. She believes in me and what we are trying to build in a career. I know there is no way i could do this without her. Yes, i go out and slaughter those pigs to make bacon, but i know at home things are under control. Esther - thanks for your constant love, encouragement and support while we build a lifestyle for ourselves and the future.

posted by R. Sherman On | 1:52:00 AM | 2 comments


Winter is coming

It is that time of year...pulling out the winter clothing. The other day it dropped to the 30s. Hwoever, today it was 70 degrees so that was weird for us.
Nonetheless, winter is just around the corner so we have to be ready. Thanks to my mother and mother-in-law these boys will be stylish despite the numerous layers they will be sporting. My mom had sent out some winter coats and clothes for the boys, so Ryan decided to try on his new winter hat. Ryan is a natural model. I think that is Blue Magnum.

posted by R. Sherman On | 3:38:00 AM | 3 comments


Ryan and Mason are unlike many siblings I've seen out there. Ryan absolutely adorns Mason and vice versa. If Mason ever gets talked to by "daddy", daddy will then be reprimanded by Ryan. Mason will usually share any toy with Ryan with little fuss. They will hug each other and chase each other constantly. I always had an inner feeling that these two boys were close and that they'd be best friends for life. Here is a great example of them just hanging out together - Mason happy to be with his older brother.

posted by R. Sherman On | 3:32:00 AM | 2 comments

The Simpsons

The Simpson have 2 more fans. Ryan and Mason really enjoy watching the Simpsons (the movie or TV show). Ryan will repeat parts of the movie even at the beginning with Ralph copying the 20th Century Fox music. Then when it gets heated Mason and Ryan will scream..."sssshhhh" are my constant remarks.
Note that the dates on these photos are incorrect - they were taken on 11/2/08. Mason is working on his "last bite" which for some reason takes as long as the previous 3 bites.
Ryan loves posing for the camera and then seeing his finished product on the tiny screen. These guys are just too funny.

posted by R. Sherman On | 3:24:00 AM | 0 comments

Mason - the man

Esther and I both thought Mason was going to be all laid back and chill...
However, we were wrong. Maybe Ryan is rubbing off on our little gentle giant.
Mason loves to scream now...our poor neighbors.
He also loves to stomp his feet on the ground constantly.
he also sports the Wisconsin beer gut - but his is generated from constant eating.
yeah. he got that from Sherman.
Also, I think the boys think (or know) that they are funny.
What is really interesting is that he is a slow mover.
i was asking the boys to pick up their room and was prompting Mason with,
"Chop, chop. Let's clean up."
Of course Ryan (who eventually cleans the room despite Mason pulling toys out and distracting Ryan) mimicks me and says, "Mason, chop, chop."
As Mason gets older his personality is really beginning to shine and it is hilarious.
i actually think he tries to be funny...with his slow movements and high pitched screaming.
Poor Esther, she probably thought she only signed up for one crazy boy and now she added 2 more.

posted by R. Sherman On | 3:12:00 AM | 3 comments